WTC2023 | 成果发布(七)《“双碳”目标下交通隧道与 HDPE 新型防水技术应用白皮书》发布会

发布名称 The name of the publication


《“双碳”目标下交通隧道与 HDPE 新型防水技术应用白皮书》发布会

Press conference of “The White Paper of Transportation Tunnel Waterproofing and New-type HDPE Waterproofing Technology and Applications under the target of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”

发布时间 Release Time

2023 年 6月15日 14:00 - 14:30

Jun.15,2023,14:00 - 14:30

发布地点 Release Place


Achievement Release Area

发布议程 Release Agenda

主持人:刘传雷 中国公路学会副秘书长兼中国公路学会科技成果转化中心主任

Moderator:Liu Chuanlei, Deputy Secretary General of China Highway & Transportation Society and Director of Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation Center of China Highway & Transportation Society.

14:00 - 开场/Start

14:05 - 专家及领导致辞/Leader’s and expert’s speeches

14:10 - 《“双碳”目标下交通隧道与 HDPE 新型防水技术应用白皮书》发布仪式 /Release of the white paper

14:15 - 《“双碳”目标下交通隧道与 HDPE 新型防水技术应用白皮书》解读/Interpretation of the white paper

解读人:王超群 北京东方雨虹防水技术股份有限公司HDPE产品总经理

Interpreter: Wang Chaoqun, General Manager of HDPE Products at Beijing Oriental Yuhong Waterproof Technology Co., Ltd.

14:25 - 专家及领导致结束辞/Leader’s and expert’s closing remarks


Main Contents And Innovations

《“双碳”目标下交通隧道与HDPE 新型防水技术应用白皮书》由中国公路学会、北京东方雨虹防水技术股份有限公司共同编制,是“双碳”目标下中国交通领域第一本聚焦隧道防水技术及应用的白皮书。白皮书秉承“科学、专业、客观”的原则,从交通隧道发展及防水技术现状、HDPE 高分子自粘胶膜防水材料、公路隧道防水、轨道交通隧道防水及应用案例等方面着墨,为公众及行业了解隧道防水及 HDPE 新型防水技术提供了一扇窗口。

Jointly written by China Highway and Transportation Society and Beijing Oriental Yuhong Waterproof Technology Co., Ltd., “The White Paper of Transportation Tunnel Waterproofing and New-type HDPE Waterproofing Technology and Applications” is the first white paper focusing on transportation tunnel waterproofing technology and applications in China’s transportation sector under the target of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Adhering to the principles of “scientific, professional, objective”, the white paper describes the tunnel development history, the current situation of waterproofing technology, HDPE self-adhesive waterproof membrane, highway tunnel and rail transit tunnel waterproofing and application cases. It provides a window for the public and industry to understand tunnel waterproofing and HDPE new waterproofing technology.
