WTC2023 | 成果发布(六)《公路桥梁单元式工字形钢梳齿型伸缩装置》标准发布


The name of the publication



Standard Release of Unit I-Beam Sparse Plate Expansion Joint for Highway Bridge


Release Time

2023 年 6月16日 13:15 - 13:45

Jun.16,2023,13:15 - 13:45


Release Place


Achievement Release Area

发布议程/Release Agenda

主持人:刘传雷 中国公路学会副秘书长兼中国公路学会科技成果转化中心主任

Moderator:Liu Chuanlei, Deputy Secretary General of China Highway & Transportation Society and Director of Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation Center of China Highway &Transportation Society

13:15 - 开场/Start

13:20 - 专家及领导致辞/Leader’s and expert’s speeches

13:25 - 《公路桥梁单元式工字形钢梳齿型伸缩装置》标准发布仪式

Standard Release Ceremony for " Unit I-Beam Sparse Plate Expansion Joint for Highway Bridge "

13:30 - 公路桥梁单元式工字形钢梳齿型伸缩装置 介绍

Introduction of Unit I-Beam Sparse Plate Expansion Joint for Highway Bridge

介绍人:邓海 石家庄铁道大学教授、硕士研究生导师

Introducer:Deng Hai, Professor and Master"s Supervisor of Shijiazhuang Tiedao University

13:40 - 现场问答互动/On site Q&A interaction

13:45 - 结束/End


Main Contents And Innovations


Unit I-Beam Sparse Plate Expansion Joint for Highway Bridge developed by Shijiazhuang Tiedao University in conjunction with Hebei Qingwei Technology Co., Ltd. is the first new expansion device in China. It is an expansion device with I-Beam as the unit, which is composed of I-Beam lintel, I-Beam fastener, angle steel, round steel pin shaft and round steel support. The main material of the expansion device, I-Beam lintel, is arranged along the traveling direction, and the exposed surface is not equipped with wearing parts. The main features of the device are the innovative longitudinal installation based on the I-beam structure, durable cross-joint installation, suitable for heavy traffic smooth vibration and noise reduction, simple installation and easy maintenance. The device has been popularized and applied in many projects with good application effect, and has been recognized by users and industry experts
